What is Yoga? Benefits Of Yoga | AK Blog 360


What is yoga

What Is Yoga?

Yoga is a practice of physical, mental, and spiritual activity by which we control ourselves. It is very beneficial for our body. Our ancestors did Yoga for a long time. There are so many types and poses in yoga. Here in this post, we will tell you what is yoga, and what yoga benefits.

Origin of Yoga

It is believed that the yoga was organed in ancient time. Lord shiva is seen as the first yogi or you can say first Yogi guru in the yogic lore. Even today, in the old caves, you get to see many pictures in the posture of yoga. This proves how old the history of yoga is. Our ancestors have been spreading the knowledge of yoga for many years so that other people can also take advantage of it.

In the Indus Saraswati valley civilization many seals and fossils found in the poses of yoga that tells the origin of yoga. It also define that India is the origin center of yoga.

What Is Yoga Benefits?

yoga benefits

Our ancestors were doing this a lot of time and get many benefits. There are so many benefits of doing yoga which is given below.

Strength And Balance

By doing yoga we can improve our strength and balance. Deep breathing and slow movements increase our body blood circulation and warm up our muscles. This is all done while you holding a pose for a while and repeat it. It increase our strength and balance.

Yoga Provides Flexibility

As we know that our body has many joints that help us to move our body parts. But sometime we feel acking in our joint and not able to move our body parts correctly. Do you know you can get rid of this problem with yoga? Yes, yoga provides flexibility to our body. A person who do yoga regularly have more flexible body than any other person.

Reduce Stress

We all know very well that stress is one of the biggest enemy of human. It ruined a lot of things. Stress is harmful for our body specially mentally. If you want to reduce your stress level then you should go for yoga. With its help you can reduce your stress levels.

You Can Also Get Back Pain Relief

Back pain is one of the common health issues that we can see normally. There are many reasons behind this like bad sitting posture and wrong sleeping posture. But you can get rid of back pain issue with the help of yoga. There are many poses by doing these poses you can remove your back pain easily. You can do cat-cow, downward-facing dog, extended triangle, sphinx pose, and cobra pose.

Increases Our Immunity

Our body immune system plays a very important role in our life. If we have a strong immunity system then there are so much less chances that we get fell sick. As we know that how corona spread everywhere and make a hilarious conditions. Do you know coronavirus affected our immune system it means if we have a weak immune system then we can get easily affected by coronavirus. So we try that we have a strong immune system that we can get by doing yoga. You have seen that people who do yoga and exercises has strong immune system because it increase your immunity.

Lose Weight

Yoga helps in losing weight. You can loose you belly fat with this which is the major problem in al over the world. There is a part of yoga that is known as hot yoga is very beneficial in loosing weight. Check the best tips for loosing belly fat.

Other Benefits

You can get rid of many major problems by doing yoga. You can get better sleep and get better concentration. Apart from this doing yoga you get rid of breathing problem which cause heart attack, it helps to control our brain that how can we handle difficult situations.

These are some benefits of yoga.


This is all done over yoga. Now you get what is yoga and its benefits. Along with this, the other benefit of doing yoga is it needs no more place as need for the gym. If you are still confused between yoga and gym then you can read gym vs yoga. I hope you like this post, you can tell me in the comment which you prefer between yoga and gym.


#Q1. What is yoga short answer?

Ans. Yoga is a combination of physical and mental exercise which is very important for our body.

#Q2. What is yoga and its importance?

Ans. Yoga is an ancient practice to control yourself by doing physical and mental exercises. It provides our body flexibility and increases our body's immune system.

#Q3. Is hot yoga actually good for you?

Ans. Yes, hot yoga is good for us in many ways it helps us in reducing weight, reducing stress levels, and providing us more flexibility.

#Q4. Is hot yoga for beginners?

Ans. No, hot yoga is not for beginners because it is not easy. Our body takes time to adjust to hot temperatures, you may feel the overheated the first time.
